Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Cutting Begins

Just for a little background info for those who are not familiar with the John Smith Busker Organ, here's how it works, in a nutshell:

A crank handle is turned which operates a crankshaft that moves the paper music roll from one spool to another and operates two bellows which pressurize an air reservoir. The air moves from this reservoir up into the airtight chamber which contains the paper music roll. This "pressure box" is fitted with a "tracker bar" which is a wooden block with a row of precisely spaced and sized holes in it. The only way the pressurized air can escape this pressure box is through the holes in the tracker bar. As the punched holes in the music roll move across the tracker bar, the air escapes through the corresponding tracker bar holes. These tracker bar holes are each connected via rubber tubing to the individual wooden pipes to produce the musical notes.

Even though I'm still missing a few odds and ends, I've gotten impatient and have begun some cutting:

Here are a few photos of my marking and cutting out of the bellows and reservoir stiffeners. 
--I used thick, stiff cardboard I found on the inner lining portion of a box of Gain laundry detergent. I'm a little unsure if the soap residue will have any detrimental effect on the glue adhesion, but it doesn't seem like the soap has penetrated the cardboard to any great degree. I just hope that once the bellows are pumping it won't smell like a laundromat --

My main mistake with this was cutting double the amount of reservoir side stiffeners. I started with the reservoir sides thinking I was doing the bellows sides, but I soon discovered the measuring error.

I found that an inverted marble tabletop made a nice cutting surface.

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