Sunday, January 20, 2013

Reservoir Pieces

This weekend I've put the crankshaft on hold and I'm working on the reservoir box and the bellows. I cut all of the pieces for the reservoir box and laid them out to figure out where they needed to be sanded or trimmed.

I made the air tube outlet piece from a solid piece of hardwood.

I glued and pinned the sides of the box together then clamped it until it dried making sure it was square.

I also stained the 1/2" battens at this point, figuring it would be tricky later on, once the bellows cloth was in place.

I sanded and gave the air outlet piece a couple of coats of shellac as well. I also shellac sealed all of the wood surfaces of the bellows and reservoir, and since I had the shellac out, I sealed all of the lower parts of the pipes as well.

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