Saturday, April 5, 2014

Lid catch

I went to the Industrial Metal Supply in Sun Valley to pick up some brass and other stuff so I could complete a couple of odds & ends here and there.

In one of the scrap bins I found some 5" brass sheet squares that seemed to be just under 1/16" thick.

I wanted to see how the brass would do with some cutting on the scroll saw, so I thought I'd finish my pressure box lid by making a brass catch plate for it.

I covered the edge of one of the square sheets with some frog tape, and cut out a rounded rectangle piece:

John Smith Busker Organ Lid Catch

Then I drilled a pair of countersunk mounting holes, and cut a slot for the latch:

John Smith Busker Organ Lid Catch

I removed the frog tape and re-taped it to the organ panel where the catch would be mounted to serve as a template for cutting a recess into the wood so the catch would sit flush. Here's what it looks like on the face side:

John Smith Busker Organ Lid Catch

And here it is with the latch engaged, viewed from the back/crankcase side:

John Smith Busker Organ Lid Catch

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